Elleven – Building & Community Announcements 2/23/18
Greetings, Elleven Residents!
Please take a moment to review the following building and community announcements.
For additional information please contact Elleven staff at (213)749-9255 or ellevenstaff@actionlife.com .
** Building Notice **
Trash Chute Reminder! – Heavy objects, including large boxes or bottles, should not be put down the trash chute. Instead, these objects should be taken to the ground level trash room located in the garage. Special arrangements need to be made for the disposal of objects of unusual size or weight. ALL waste placed in the trash chute should be secured in leak proof plastic bags, kitty litter should be double bagged.
Bags should be limited in size to 15” x 18”.
** Building Events **
Elleven Movie Club – All residents are invited to the screening of City of Gold on Tuesday, February 27th at 7:30pm. Please RSVP via vwexman@uic.edu or (213) 493-4051.
Dining Around Downtown – This month the club will meet at PRANK, located at the corner of 11th and Hope Street, Wednesday, March 14, at 7:30 pm. All residents are encourage to attend. Please RSVP: Virginia Wexman at vwexman@uic.edu.
Elleven Happy Hour – Take a break, enjoy a glass of wine and unwind with your neighbors. Thursday, March 15th at 7:30 pm at Bottle Rock Downtown Los Angeles. All residents are encourage to attend.
** Community Alerts **
Heart of the City 5K Run/Walk – California Hospital Medical Center is hosting their HEART OF THE CITY 5K run/walk Saturday, March 24 from 7:00 am- 12:00pm. This event will directly impact Elleven! Residents will have limited access when entering the garage area during the noted event time. For additional details: www.heartofthecity5k.org
South Park Events – Take a look at the GREEN Carpet Events showcasing the neighborhood’s newest local HOT SPOTS!
For community events please visit http://southpark.la/.