Exterior Window Cleaning 7/30/19 – 8/19/19 8am-5pm

Posted By on July 23, 2019

Greetings Residents,

The exterior window and balcony railing cleaning is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, July 30th and continue for approximately three weeks, wrapping up the week of August 19th. Please note that the completion date is an approximate time and may change due to unforeseen circumstances.

The project will begin on the north end of the building and proceed clockwise each day beginning at 8:00am until 5:00pm. We ask that you please use caution when walking the perimeter of the building and observe any posted safety instructions during this time frame.

Unit schedules will be emailed and posted in the residential bulletin boards letting you know which day your unit is scheduled to be cleaned so you can prepare accordingly:

Remove all items from your balcony.

Close all windows and/or balcony doors (for additional privacy please be sure to close your blinds).

If the above items are not addressed prior to the time of cleaning, YOUR WINDOWS AND/OR BALCONY WILL NOT BE CLEANED.

Please Report any cleaning deficiencies to the Management office within 24 hours so we can address this before the project is completed.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact building management at 213-749-9255 or email ellevenstaff@actionlife.com.

Thank you,

Elleven Management


Address: 1111 South Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 749-9255

Management Team

General Manager
Kristen Saucedo, CCAM, CMCA, AMS| ksaucedo@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Leti Catalan | lcatalan@actionlife.com

Building Engineer
Tony Garcia | tgarcia@actionlife.com

Front Desk Supervisor
Karina Maldonado | kmaldonado@actionlife.com 

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA, 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303