Weekly Announcements 12/06/2019

Posted By on December 6, 2019

** Building Social Events **

Storytime with Santa– It’s that time of the year again and Santa is coming to Elleven! Santa will be at the Elleven Lobby Sunday, December 8th from 3:00 – 5:00 pmto read a few stories and listen to all of your wishes. Santa’s little helpers will bring light refreshments for you to enjoy!

Dining Around Downtown ClubThe club will meet at Shekarchi Bar and Grill, located at 920 S. Olive, Wednesday, December 11th at 7:30pm. Your host for the evening will be Susie and Marty Goldberg. All residents are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP: Virginia Wexman at vwexman@uic.edu

** Building Notice **

Notice Of Filming @ Luma HOA – Commercial filming (City Bank) is scheduled to take place at Luma HOA Friday, December 13 from 7am-9pm. Staging will be taking place Thursday, December 12th starting at 7:00am. Please note that production will be using a portion of the terrace for staging and prepping and production crew will be parked on Luma HOA designated parking spaces adjacent to the Hope Street Alley Way. The 12th Street (alley) gate will remain open while production loads equipment starting at 7:00 am 12/12-12/13, a patrol guard will remain at the location to secure the gate.

Construction Projects in the Building – We have several submittals for in unit construction throughout the building. You may hear noise related to these activities for the next few weeks. Construction is permitted Monday through Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Construction is not permitted on holidays and weekends. If you hear construction related noises outside of these hours and days, please contact the front desk staff.

** Community Alerts **

South Park BID Annual Meeting –  Join South Park BID for a Year in Review, a look ahead at 2020, and the chance to engage with exciting projects happening in the district. The Meeting will take place Monday, December 9th from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm at HUDSON LOFT located at 1200 S Hope Street. Los Angeles, CA 90015. Refreshments will be provided. For additional information and to RSVP click HERE!

Yoga In The Park @ South Park Commons – Start your week off right and join Yogis on the Move for a donation-based yoga class every Sunday at 10:00 – 11:00 am. Please bring your own mat, towel, and water. For additional information and to RSVP click HERE!

South Park Event – For GREEN Carpet Events showcasing the neighborhood’s newest local HOT SPOTS and other community events, please click HERE!


Address: 1111 South Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 749-9255

Management Team

General Manager
Kristen Saucedo, CCAM, CMCA, AMS| ksaucedo@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Leti Catalan | lcatalan@actionlife.com

Building Engineer
Tony Garcia | tgarcia@actionlife.com

Front Desk Supervisor
Karina Maldonado | kmaldonado@actionlife.com 

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA, 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303