11th Street Gate Update & General Reminders

Posted By on March 1, 2023

Good afternoon Elleven Residents. Please find some important updates and reminders below…

11th Street Gate Repair: In the time since the 11th street outbound/exit gate was run through by a vehicle on 12/4/22, we’ve worked diligently with insurance companies, local law enforcement, and vendors to arrange for its restoration. While delivery and installation will, unfortunately, take some considerable time, we are happy to report that we have a target completion date of the first week of July ’23. As we approach that date, additional details will be provided to everyone; thank you for your great patience and understanding.

Pool Gate(s): Just a reminder to please ensure in the interest of safety that gates to the pool/spa areas are closed completely after entering/exiting.

Storage of Items/Material in Parking Spaces: Please refrain from storing boxes, carts, cardboard, trash, and any other material in parking stalls. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

Work Orders: While the priority focus of Elleven’s Engineering staff must necessarily be devoted to care and maintenance of the building (life/safety systems equipment, physical plant, common areas, etc.), we are happy to offer certain in-unit assistance as time and resources permit via work order request. These range from resolution of hot water issues, mixing valve and angle-stop replacements, faucet fixture replacements, and more! It among our team’s short-term goals to develop an updated lists of services engineering is qualified and able to assist owners with. Please note, however, that we are unable to “stock” components, nor do we maintain a master list of all unit interior components and parts presently in use throughout the building (e.g., plumbing fixture supply lines, particular lightbulbs, HVAC parts, door hardware). Please ensure that all work order requests and subsequent questions related to work orders are routed through the front desk without exception. The preferred means of communicating work order requisitions is via email to ellevenstaff@actionlife.com. Likewise, when and if the scope of the work order changes, that information should also be communicated via the ellevenstaff@actionlife.com email. We work closely together as a team and this approach toward communicating will ensure your request receives prompt attention in the event of a staff absence.

Thank you as always for the opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions concerning the above or anything else, please let us know!


Nicole Peterson, CMCA, AMS, PCAM General Manager, Elleven HOA


Address: 1111 South Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 749-9255

Management Team

General Manager
Kristen Saucedo, CCAM, CMCA, AMS| ksaucedo@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Leti Catalan | lcatalan@actionlife.com

Building Engineer
Tony Garcia | tgarcia@actionlife.com

Front Desk Supervisor
Karina Maldonado | kmaldonado@actionlife.com 

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA, 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303