UPDATE! Phone System Offline 7/12/2024

Posted By on July 12, 2024

Greetings Elleven Residents,

I wanted to provide an update regarding the ongoing phone line outage in our building.

AT&T technicians visited the property today to further investigate the problem. Unfortunately, they were unable to resolve the issue at this time.

In the meantime, we have implemented a temporary phone line for the building. The number is 213-796-0873. Please use this number for urgent matters only.

You may continue to email staff for non-urgent matters at ellevenstaff@actionlife.com

We are continuing to work diligently with Granite and AT&T to restore full phone service as soon as possible. We will keep you informed of any developments.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Ambar Huerta General Manager.


Address: 1111 South Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 749-9255

Management Team

General Manager
Kristen Saucedo, CCAM, CMCA, AMS| ksaucedo@actionlife.com

Manager Assistant
Leti Catalan | lcatalan@actionlife.com

Building Engineer
Tony Garcia | tgarcia@actionlife.com

Front Desk Supervisor
Karina Maldonado | kmaldonado@actionlife.com 

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA, 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
phone | (949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303